


  1. normal

  2. insert

    1. i insert 前插
    2. a append 后插
    3. o open a line below
    4. I 开头
    5. A 末尾
    6. O open a line up
  3. command

    1. 替换 :% s/java/python/g
    2. set nu 设置行号
    3. sp 横分屏 vs 竖分屏
  4. visual

    1. v
    2. V 整行
    3. ctrl + v 块状

vim 手册



ctrl+h 删除上一个字符

ctrl+w 删除上一个单词

​ctrl+u 删除当前行光标之前的内容


  1. hjkl
  2. w/b move word by word
  3. W/B move WORD by WORD
  4. e/ge move to the end of a word
  5. E/gE
  6. f(character) find character in line
  7. F(character)
  8. t(character) until character in line
  9. T(character)
  10. ; / , 继续搜索
  11. 0 first character of a line
  12. ^ first non-blank character of a line
  13. $ end character of a line
  14. g_ end non-blank character of a line
  15. { / } move entire paragraphs
  16. ctrl + d / ctrl + u
  17. ctrl + f / ctrl + b
  18. /{pattern} search forward
  19. ?{pattern} search backward
  20. n / N next/previous
  21. ctrl + o go back
  22. ? without a pattern change the direction
  23. gg top of a file
  24. {line}gg
  25. G end of a file


  1. u to undo
  2. ctrl + r to redo
  3. d delete
    1. d2w delete two words
    2. dt; delete until ;
    3. df; delete until ;(include ;)
    4. d/hello delete until hello
    5. diw
    6. di”/‘/`
  4. dd delete a complete line
  5. D delete from the cursor until the end of the line
  6. c change (combine d and i)
  7. cc change a complete line
  8. C change from the cursor until the end of the line
  9. . repeat change
  10. y copy
    1. yw/y1w copy one word
    2. y$ copy from the cursor until the end of the line
  11. yy copy a complete line
  12. p 在当前位置之后
  13. P 在当前位置之前


  1. w word
  2. s sentence
  3. p paragraph
  4. “ quotes special
  5. ‘ single quote special
  6. ` backtick special
  7. () b
  8. {} B
  9. []


:s/hello/hi/g  # 当前行替换所有匹配
:%s/hello/hi/g # 整个文件替换所有匹配
